How to Use This Website

This website provides information and resources to help you succeed in the most important aspects of conducting research in multi-stakeholder teams–engaging stakeholders to be active members of the team and working together as a productive team.

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Who is This Website for?

Whether you are new to multi-stakeholder research teams or want to enhance your knowledge and skills, there is something here for you. This package was designed to help:

  • New and seasoned clinical researchers who are working with stakeholder partners.
  • Stakeholders and community partners working with academic and clinical researchers.
  • Organizers and coordinators who form or maintain a team or manage any of the team’s activities or tasks.
  • Others who are interested in learning more about how to engage stakeholders and work on diverse teams.

How is it Organized?

This website is organized into two sections–Engaging Stakeholders and Working as a Team. Each section includes learning areas with information and resources for you to learn new concepts and skills and obtain practical guidance from multi-stakeholder research teams. You can access the sections and learning areas using the navigator bar at the top of each page. Review the Building Effective Multi-Stakeholder Research Teams User Guide for a directory of website contents.

How Should I Use it?

  • Take it one step at a time. The content in this package is broken up into learning areas and topics. If you have limited time, you can select a specific area or topic to focus on. Or, if you have more time, you can explore multiple topics at once.
  • Read the web page content before diving into the resources. Each learning area begins with a general introduction to the content. Reading this content first – on the web page – provides important context that will help you understand and use the resources.
  • Consider whether a resource is best used alone or with other team members. The resources in this website include checklists, tip sheets, further reading lists, and practical advice from other PCOR teams to expand on a concept. Other resources are activities that allow you to apply or explore practices in real time. You can use most of these resources on your own, or you can discuss them with your team members in small groups or during a team meeting. The Activity Guides are best done as an entire team.
  • Practice what you learn. All the information and resources are designed to enhance the success of the team. To reap the benefits of the package, you and your team members will need to practice what you learn. This requires a commitment by you and your team members to apply the knowledge and skills, regardless of your role on the team.

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